A Reminder for the 3rd IABMR Annual Symposium
A Reminder for the 3rd IABMR Annual Symposium on Thursday, Dec 7, 2006
1. All the attendees must register and pay membership fee at 11:30-1:30 (the invited guests and
employee of the Forsyth Institute are waived of registration fee).
2. All the attendees are encouraged to visit Vendors exhibition and don't miss the opportunity
to win a gift (see attached the rule of raffle).
3. All the attendees are encouraged to participate all the session of the annual symposium and
enjoy the reception with peers' connection.
4. All the posters should be in place before 11:30am and removed by 6:30pm.
5. The author of the presentation for the poster competition must be designated and show up at
the meeting.
Thanks you for your participation and see you soon.
Organizing Committee of the 3rd IABMR Annual Symposium